deep inside: security and tools

SVG Files: XSS attacks

This afternoon I went to wikipedia and saw a SVG file. Then, I was thinking.: SVG... XML... Some minutes later, after a quick look at the spec. and especially the "Scripting" part, I had a SVG file with a XSS attack inside. Then I started to look at websites and advanced webmails for inserting my file.

Damned, I came something like one year too late... Wikipedia still does not allow to upload SVG files, Gmail does not open it hotmail itoo, and actually this thing is well known. Actually I've never seen any attack with some SVG files inside.Okay, before Firefox 2.0 (and the next browsers) there was only external plugins for reading these files, It may change now. I'll keep on trying to do some things with my file!

Okay, all this SVG things are not new, but I'm a nioob in web security, at least it's new for me ;)

All entries

  1. February 2013 — RSA 2013 speaking session
  2. February 2013 — HTML5 tokenization visualization
  3. September 2011 — PHP, Variable variables, Oh my!
  4. July 2011 — Dissection of a SQL injection challenge
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  10. May 2008 — Accelerate the convergence to the bug: Running the test in 16-bit
  11. February 2008 — Code review tools: the missing link (so far)
  12. January 2008 — Talk: Problems and solutions for testing web application security scanners
  13. October 2007 — IE6 And IE7 don't have compatible CSS tricks
  14. September 2007 — Source Code Obfuscation
  15. February 2007 — The return of the SVG XSS
  16. February 2007 — How you should design a test suite for Web Apps Scanners
  17. January 2007 — Test Suites for Web Application Scanners
  18. December 2006 — SVG Files: XSS attacks