import os, string, re from stats import * # all needed for excel file generation import win32com, sys, string, win32api, traceback import win32com.client.dynamic from win32com.test.util import CheckClean import pythoncom from win32com.client import gencache from pywintypes import Unicode name = re.compile("(.*)txt$",re.I) sult = re.compile("result_K(\d+)_M(\d+).txt", re.I) path = "./res/" """ Import all results from optimization It generates a global results file, with nice information In fact, it build a excel file """ container = {} def parse(filename, s): global container nb_elmt= int(s[0]) method = int(s[1]) temp = container[method] try: io = open(filename, 'r') except IOError: print "Error for %s file !" % filename else: tList = [] for l in io.readlines(): tList.append(float(l)) temp[nb_elmt] = tList container[method] = temp def showExcel(method): global container excel = win32com.client.Dispatch('Excel.Application') excel.Visible = 1 excel.Workbooks.Add() letter = {1:'A',2:'B',3:'C',4:'D',5:'E',6:'F',7:'G',8:'H',9:'I',10:'J',11:'K',12:'L'} # informations nb_col = len(container[method]) iMax = 0 excel.ActiveSheet.Cells(1).Value = ("Method %i" % method) for i in container[method].keys(): excel.ActiveSheet.Cells(i).Value = ("%i clusters" % i) nb_line = len(container[method][i]) if nb_line > iMax: iMax = nb_line for j in range(nb_line): excel.ActiveSheet.Cells(j+2,i).Value = container[method][i][j] # charts generation excel.Range("B2:%s%i" % (letter[max(container[method].keys())],iMax)).Select() # Add a chart excel.Charts.Add() xlLineMarkers = 65 xlPieExploded = 69 excel.ActiveChart.ChartType = xlLineMarkers # Cree un titre excel.ActiveChart.HasTitle = 1 excel.ActiveChart.ChartTitle.Characters.Text = "Results for the %i-th method" % method # container[method] = { 1 : list[K=1] ; 2 : list[K=2] ; etc. } container[1] = {} container[2] = {} for f in os.listdir(path): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, f)) and name.match(f, re.I): print "Parsing... ", f, " for ", s, " optimization" parse(path + "/" + f,s) """ print "printing dictionnary:" print container print "" print "" """ print "Print info about results files" print "Number of methods = %i" % len(container.keys()) k = 1 while k <= len(container.keys()): print "Number of observation in the %i-th method: %i" % (k, len(container[k])) k += 1 #debug afficher au hasard la list [2][8] #print container[2][8] showExcel(1) showExcel(2)